The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Everyone remembers The Very Hungry Caterpillar right? The brightly coloured chap who munches his way through quite a platter?
Well he just so happens to be the perfect kids party theme – All the colour, fruit and snacks.
We have had some fantastic ideas for a Very Hungry birthday party, and we would love to share them with you.
To start with, any of our brightly coloured tableware is spot on for your feast of fruit, chocolate cake, ice cream, pickles, swiss cheese, salami and any other strange treats our colourful friend chewed his way through. We have plain tableware in every colour of the rainbow, and even some funky polka dot or striped supplies to jazz up your buffet table!
One of our favourite ideas is the ultimate caterpillar cake! Individual cakes, with bold and bright designs. Why not have different flavours too? Or colourful sponge to follow the theme right to the heart of the cake. Check out one of our own Partyrama creations..
Why not hold a colouring competition to see who can draw the best caterpillar? We even have prizes you can dish out to the winners!

Transform your venue into a garden for your little caterpillars to crawl around with lots of grubs and leaves to explore. Get the kids to be creative with some tissue paper during the build up to the party and get them to create leaves and flowers for your caterpillars to build their cocoon on.