Easter Card

Easy Envelopes!

When making your own cards, it’s easy to forget about the final part – the envelope!  That’s why we have decided to put together a quick guide for you on how to make an envelope with minimal fuss, for all of your DIY and craft greetings cards.  Have a go – it really is that easy!




What You Need


  • A sheet of coloured card or paper that is roughly 2 1/2 times bigger than your card when held landscape – for an A6 card, an A4 sheet is perfect.
  • Some glue or sellotape




Place your card down flat and landscape at the bottom of the paper as shown in the picture below.  Make sure there is enough room either side to fold over!




Fold the sides of the paper over the card, all the way up to the top.  You can use a ruler to help you keep it nice and straight.




Fold the bottom up and over once, hiding your card away completely.




Fold down the top two corners…




… and then fold that top flap down and over the card.  Use glue or tape to stick this down.




You now decorate, address or simply write the recipients name on and get ready to give them a unique present!




Like this idea?  Feel free to share it with family and friends, or let us know what you think over on Twitter!