How to Throw a Swashbucklingly Good Pirate Party!
“How do I throw a decent Pirate Party for my children” you ask?
Well it all starts here at Partyrama. We have lots of Ideas and tips to share and plenty of products to transform any party venue. Lets get started shall we?
We have prepared a fool proof guide on planning the perfect pirate party right down to the very last balloon.
To kick start your plans you need to invite some people. This is where your theme comes in! So we’re going all out pirate right? How about some pirate maps! X marks the spot where the party is held and let them know if you have a dress code.
Once you have received your RSVP’s and you know how many sea dogs will be turning up to your bash, you can get planning the decorations. We have tons of tableware ideas to choose from! Including party boxes for the younger ones – making their party tea much more enjoyable.When it comes down to decorations we have lots of garlands and cutouts to transform your venue but if you’re feeling up to it, why not get a little crafty?
Check out our tutorial and make your own pirate bunting!
No sewing required, just some glue, fabric and scissors.You’re going to need to feed your pirates, so make a buffet fit for the high seas! Serve up some Pirate themed treats such as popcorn ‘pirate teeth’, Grape ‘cannonballs’ and even hot dog ‘pirate ships’ using our food picks! The possibilities are endless.
Keeping everyone entertained is the biggest challenge! Hold a hook ring toss, or play cannonball pop – where you have to tie a balloon to your ankle and everyone runs around trying to pop each others balloon or ‘cannonball’. Or simply bury some treasure in a bucket of sand. Mix in some nasty surprises such as eyeballs or toy crabs and get your guests to rummage for gold!
So now you have all the makings of a pirate party, its time to get started! Put on your best pirate voice and plan away… Yaaaar!